What is vapor phase soldering?
Vapour phase soldering, also known as condensation soldering, achieves a very gentle and repeatable heating process. The temperature is limited to the boiling point of the liquid. The maximum solder temperature is much lower than any other reflow solder method. This is beneficial for all components and PCBs.
Are you soldering with water vapor?
There is no water involved. The vapour is created from an high boiling, not conducting and inert liquid.
What is the benefit of vapor phase soldering?
Vapour phase soldering provides greater process accuracy, higher quality solder joints, more gentle and consistently repeatable heating, lower reflow costs, environmentally friendly,… .
How do costs compare with convection soldering?
The costs of operation are lower than for convection soldering.
What is the throughput of the machines?
IBL offers a range of machines that support prototyping till mass production.
What are the benefits of vacuum vapour phase machines?
Vacuum soldering is used for high quality soldering where voids in the solder are not acceptable.
The vacuum chamber of the IBL machine is in the vapor phase chamber. That means our machines can solder at lower temperatures than the machines of our competitors. This is patented from IBL.
Where can I get more Information?
Visit our Contacts page for a list of sales offices.